Selasa, 31 Januari 2012


Saya mencoba memasukan tulisan-tulisan yang pernah di muat di facebook saya, perenungan tentang kehidupan dan pencarian arti sebenarnya dari yang namanya kehidupan, di blog saya banyak saya tampilkan foto-foto saya, maksudnya adalah untuk mencoba menapaki yang terjadi selama hidup yang saya jalani dan kaitannya dengan perwujudan mimpi, disini semoga saya bisa berbagi pengalaman dan bagaimana hal yang tadinya dianggap tidak mungkin bisa menjadi mungkin dan bahkan terwujud berulang-ulang dan apabila kita jujur kepada diri sendiri, kita akan merasa heran mengapa semua bisa terwujud.
Foto ini ketika saya berada di Belgia, foto-foto lain dalam blog kebanyakan ketika saya melakukan perjalanan/traveling yang merupakan salah satu mimpi dan keinginan saya yang telah menjadi nyata, mengetahui dunia luar, bertemu orang-orang dari tempat dan negara yang berbeda, mengenal daerah-daerah dan lokasi yang yang terkenal karena keindahannya dan yang menjadi inspirasi bagaimana peradaban menyimpan memori tentang pencapaian dari satu mimpi.

Never been..

It began at very last our of the night..seems so quite here, even my breath slowly released haunted by the thoughts..wondering would this moment became the last hope of being who iam..sometimes i wonder, is it so hard to realize that every single day that we going to be another new story that we build..? Another step of life which we'll have to fulfill and another role we've to play...finally at the end another ending we've to face..

Masterpiece of Mind

Not so easy to face challanges which comes like the rain, even in misery our mind has to be more conscious, solving with purpose is an option, but in the end faith is always the best solution, our destiny"s protect us from the world, but the process make our heart turning upside down, concern we are about the end, but still we fall and lose something or even someone, curiosity we have, answer we don"t have at least until the present.

The sands of time is moving, getting faster and no turning back, our time is near as we hear the clock makes sound of tapping in every step we take, and every breath we make, forgive and forget of the past as our maturity rising, time of judgement and responsibility is fell upon us.


it takes days,months or even years to heal from such a wound, and in the deep it creates patience&honestly, no need to regrets 'coz the world is getting older and becomes tired of conflicts conceeded by its own so called 'residents'. Our sources of power is decreasing every single day, one that left behind is our beautiful soul, which is still remains silence, and speaks only the truth.Observe that little thing and make deductions based of what we feel, and continue the journey until someday we'll realize that the time has come and what we've been keeping all this years is what we've got to start a new beginning.

F1 Release

What’s Wrong With Interviews? The Top 50 Most Common Interview Problems

What’s Wrong With Interviews? The Top 50 Most Common Interview Problems